During the Leeds Islamic Summer School, we invited Babul Hussain from West Yorkshire Trading Standards to discuss the dangers of Niche tobacco products such as Gutkha, Zarda or Paan, Nasal snuff, Shisha, Biri or Beedi cigarettes and smoking of Shisha.
During the Leeds Islamic Summer School, we observed that an increasing number of young people mentioned during the classes that they had been smoking a water pipe with family and friends. They all thought that its just a bit of fun and had no ill effects.
Therefore, we felt it was important to hold an awareness session with the young people to make them aware of the harms of Shisha so they can make informed decisions.
Its great to see that West Yorkshire Trading Standards are working alongside Leeds City Council and Leeds Community Healthcare to support the community to make informed health choices about the use of such products.
The awareness session in itself was a very informative session and full of insight into the dangers of tobacco, Separi and Shisha.
One interesting fact that we learnt was: One full shisha session can produce the same amount of smoke as up to 200 cigarettes as well as cause a number of oral cancers.
By holding such sessions, we hope to raise more awareness of the harms of different types of tobacco and the preventative measures that can be taken, specially by the youth.